Join us and wear the badge
Click the play button for a Welcome Message from Chief Kirk Brueggeman

Why our department is right for you
- Our starting salary is $81,681; for officers with a bachelor’s degree, $84,673.
- Medical insurance is provided for the employee at no cost.
- Retirement pension is included.
- Promotional examinations are offered every 3 years for the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain.
- There is opportunity to become part of special task force teams including investigations, narcotics, etc.
The O’Fallon Police Department is dedicated to proactively solving problems and protecting life and property through education, prevention, and enforcement. In striving to accomplish this mission, service to community is our commitment; honor and integrity our mandate.
How do I begin my career?
Whether you’re someone with no experience, or you’re a law enforcement veteran, the process is simple.
Complete the Application and provide a Cover Letter, along with your Resume
Upon being selected to proceed, attend our orientation session which includes a written test
Candidates who pass the written test will be invited to participate in an oral interview with various members of the O’Fallon Police Department.
A select number of the above candidates will be invited to a final interview with the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and the Chief of Police
Prior to being offered a conditional offer of employment, the candidate will have to undergo a thorough background examination

What you need to participate
Age info – Candidates must be at least 21 years of age, but less than 35 years of age
at the time of appointment.
- Individuals who served in the United States Armed Forces may exceed the maximum
age requirements by 1 year for each year of active duty service, up to 10 years. - There is no age limit for individuals who are, or were previously a certified police
Education info – Candidates must have the following:
- An Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice, or
- At least 64 credit hours towards a Bachelor’s Degree in any subject
The above education requirements may be waived under the following circumstances:
- Individuals with at least 2 years of active duty service in the United States Armed Forces
- Individuals with at least 2 years of experience as a full-time police officer

You and your family’s wellness matter to us!
We recognize a career in law enforcement comes with a unique set of challenges and stressors. We strive to ensure our officers receive the support they need to have a successful and enjoyable career:
- Peer Recognition Program
- On-site exercise facilities
- Complementary Individual YMCA membership
- Wellness Initiatives
- Peer Support Program
- Spouses Support Group